Art Installation at Edward Hunter Bush Reserve - Ephemeral Ecologies

Launched 16th April 2023 - the artworks were situated outdoors for 12 months!
at: the Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve
Enter via Coalville Road, Moe entrance
This wonderful exhibition is now ended. It was a joyful experience that gendered many responses.

The aims of the art installation, Ephemeral Ecologies, were to:

  • Create an art guided journey through our connections to our place and to nature.

  • Partner nature with art to illuminate what is there so the eye is drawn to new ideas.

  • Create new ways of seeing to enable connections through a visual portal - to art, to nature.

  • Generate a creative record of connections where nature equally influences the outcome of the art.

  • Use materials that epitomise the ethos of reuse, repurpose, are of the place, are natural substances and do no harm.

This project was multidimensional in delivery and accessible to everyone.   Where the normal constraint of expectation and viewpoint is pushed beyond imaginable boundaries.  Where, by connecting textiles as art with nature, the unexpected interactions and collaborations generate an exciting exploration and expansion of ideas such as: 

  • Promotion of textiles as a strong art medium.

  • Highlight the wide creative resource that is ‘hidden’ under the perception of textiles as a manufactured utilitarian product and only embedded in ‘women’s work’.

  • Bring new thinking and encourage creative approaches about engagement with art and nature.

My art materials include my own made natural inks, fibre and cloth as a manufacturing waste product.  These materials interrupt the waste disposal system and heightens the possibilities that natural materials can bring to art.  In such a rich partnership, these form an absolute synergy where the sense of place is a driving ideal. 

Collection of art works for the Edward Hunter Reserve Art Installation

This catalogue holds the art works that I created over the eight months.

In conjunction with the Committee of Management all these pieces were allocated a particular location in the reserve. This served two purposes: deciding on the hanging mechanism and assuring that the inhabitants of the Reserve were not impeded. For example, the Reserve has a colony of bats! The artwork needs to be placed in such a way that the flight of the bats was not impacted.

I regularly revisited each of the art works to add, adjust and to ensure the appropriate hanging style is made ready. We hung the Art Installation in April 2023. This was an exciting phase of the project! It came to life outside of my studio,

Press release

A Poet’s response!

Rodney Williams, poet and recent viewer of the art installation, has been inspired to write a tanka in response to the artworks.

Ephemeral Ecologies,
Edward Hunter Reserve, Moe. May 2023

artworks in fibre
hung in a bush gallery -
sun in natural dyes
lighting earth through angled limbs
backlit now by slanting rays

Rodney Williams’ tanka have been widely published internationally, appearing in journals in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA across the last year.

Image by Rodney Williams, May 2023